Schmetz Sewing Machine Needles – Universal #90/14
Schmetz is a world leader in the sewing machine needle industry, and has been manufacturing needles in Germany since 1851.
Universal needles are the great multipurpose needle. They have a slightly rounded point, and are the go-to needle for woven fabrics, from voile to heavier weight linens, twills and canvas. You can also use them for silk, jerseys and knits, but you get a better result with the more specialist needle.
Universal needles come in sizes 60 (6) – 120 (19). The most popular sizes are between 70/10 – 90/14, as they are perfect for light to mid weight fabrics such as viscose, cottons and linen. Spend time testing different sized needles before embarking on a new project. If you regularly sew a range of different weight wovens, then one of the multi-size packs is a good choice.
Replacing your machine needle with a quality Schmetz needle, of the correct type and size, is the easiest way to improve stitch quality. Poor quality machine needles, or damaged or overused needles, result in
- Threads breaking or threading
- Skipped or uneven stitches
- Puckered or damaged fabric
- Popping sounds made as the needle punctures the fabric.